
Monday, July 20, 2020

Square of numbers.

Hello and welcome to my blog today my task was to solve a problem from 1 to 8 using division, Multiplication, addition, Subtraction.

I found this task really easy because I had the help of Kieron to get me started. 


  1. How did Kieron get you started? I know I started with the division, I tried the combinations with 8 in the top left corner, then tried 6 when that didn't work. What did you do? I am pleased you found it to be an easy task.

  2. Hello Braxton. I am a year 8 at Tautoro School. I liked your post about your math. I've never tried doing square numbers. Something you could improve on is you could try and do all of it without help. I think you can do it. Did you find this way easier?
    Blog you later
