
Friday, November 13, 2020

My nervous writing.

 Hey bloggers. 

Welcome to my blog. Today I am posting about my nervous writing that my teacher told me to write.

For me this task was super easy. I had a numerous amount of help from Matua Chase, which I am really grateful for.
One thing I think I could work on in my writing is maybe independent work next time.


Friday, August 28, 2020

Cultural Slideshow

Hey bloggers. Today I finished of my Cultural slideshow. My task was to find information about a certain Culture and put that into a slide in my own words. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Te Reo Conversation.


Hey bloggers.
This week we were learning how to speak Te Reo Maori which we called a Maori Phrase a week.
My task was to make a google drawing and put all the Te Reo Maori that I learnt onto a slide and make sure that it looked pretty. Next time I will make sure to try harder in my work                                                           

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Learning Te Reo

Hey Bloggers.

We are learning to say simple sentences in Te Reo Maori our task was to ask what will you be doing in Te Reo Maori and answer with what we will be doing over the weekends. I found it hard because finding a partner was troubling.
Next time I will try to finish this task faster as it took me a while to complete  

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Rongoa Maori.

Hello and welcome to my blog. Last term we learnt about Rongoa and how it is used. We also learnt about Kawakawa balm and what it could be used for as well. We also had made packaging for the Kawakawa balm. I found it easy because I had the help of my classmates. Next time I will try to do this task individually.
In the unit I learnt facts about Kawakawa leaves, such as it could heal eczema, boils, bruises to relieve pain and for toothaches.   
I also learnt how to make and design packaging, and lastly I learnt how to make a Kawakawa balm label

Hello and welcome to my blog. Today my task was to decipher an encrypted message to find out what the message said. I found this task really easy because I have coded before. Next time I will make sure to not spend to much time coding

Monday, July 20, 2020

Square of numbers.

Hello and welcome to my blog today my task was to solve a problem from 1 to 8 using division, Multiplication, addition, Subtraction.

I found this task really easy because I had the help of Kieron to get me started. 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Box For Kawakawa balm

Hello there today I am posting a blog about my Kawakawa balm box.

My task was to make and decorate a box that could fit Kawakawa balm inside of it.
It was pretty easy with the help of Whaea Dana.
Next time I will try harder on this task

Label for Kawakawa Balm

Hello and welcome to my blog.

Today Im posting about a label I made for my Kawakawa balm.
I found the task pretty easy because all you had to do was customise a google drawing that matches the concept of Kawakawa leaves.
Next time I will make sure to be faster with making my label.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Geometry work

Hello and welcome to my blog this week I'm blogging about my geometry work.

My task was to rule out the net of a square then cut it out and after that I would make four more.

Next time I will make sure to try harder to finish.  

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Hello and welcome to my coding blog.

Today I made a spiral little effect for my coding 
I found it pretty easy because we had a lesson about this last term.
Next time I will try to make another shape

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Hello and welcome to my blog post. Today I made another code this is about a dance party.My task was to use code. org and to use certain codes to make a dance party. It was pretty easy because I have done this twice. Next time I will choose a different coding platform. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Hello and welcome to my blog.

Today I'm blogging about a powtoon I made but because I can't share it just copy the link below to view my masterpiece.My task was to make a DLO about this book we read called Koro's medicine.It was really easy, all I had to do was grab information about certain plants and put that information in my own words.Next time I will make sure not to copy and paste because my teacher told me that was disrespectful.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Kawakawa oil

Hello and welcome to my writing.
My task was to write a procedural about how I make Kawakawa oil.

It was pretty easy when one of my classmates came and helped me.
Next time I will do better to work on my work without help. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Today I was learning how to make a dance part using

We had to create something using code's.
I choose to make a Dance party with a cat and pinapples. 
I found this task pretty hard at first but with more time I started to get the jist of it.

Next time I will make a diffrent task.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Something bad happened.

Hi and welcome to me blog.

Our task was to make a picture book on our chromebook or book, about this coronavirus.
I found it hard because me and my friend kept on talking.
Next time I will make sure to focus on my work and make sure that it is finished before our deadline

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

My Lockdown Sensory poem

This week we learned how to write a sensory poem.

I was learning what my five senses were and what they do. Our task was to use our five senses in a sensory poem, describing how we used them in lockdown. I found using descriptive words pretty easy because my vocabulary is pretty good.  Next time I will try and better my punctuation.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

My Marae

Hi and welcome to my Marae presentation I was learning to find information about my marae and put it in a presentation. I found this task really easy because I had already known a lot about my marae.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Google maps

Hello and welcome to my google maps. WALT use google maps to plot our trips. Our task was to pick six or over special places in our Kawakawa community and use those places for our map. I found this task really easy because three of us were working in a group and destroyed this task. 

Monday, March 9, 2020


Hello and welcome to my tessellation. My task was to start with a simple puzzle piece copy and paste the puzzle piece, then highlight the whole thing and control alt g it. I found this task really hard at first, but then as miss started to explain on how to do the tessellation I started to get the jist of it. Next time I will make an effort to give the tesselation a go because throughout the process I started to give up hope.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

This is just to say.

Hello and welcome to my poem This is just to say. My task was to write a poem about the naughtiest thing I have done. I found it really easy because one I love soccer and two I love writing. Next time I will make sure to use bigger and more interesting words.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

On the Water's Edge

Hello and welcome to my writing named On the Water's Edge. We were learning to write an piece of writing from a moment in time, we lately went to Ruakaka beach and that's what I wrote about. I found it pretty easy because I just love writing I know what most, verbs similes and onomatopoeia. Next time I will make sure that my writing will paint a bigger picture in the reader's mind.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

My Writing

Hello and welcome to my writing. My writing was about why we need to conserve water. My task was to find out series of information about why we need to save water. Then I put on a piece of drawing and posted it here. I found it really easy because I love writing and getting the information was lightwork. I learnt about what a drought was and what we could do to save water. Next time I will make sure I have good ideas and more intense words.

Monday, February 17, 2020

My encounter with an entitled kid.

Everyday on Monday we do free writing this is what I wrote about 

Hello there this story is about one that I do not normally post on my blog but down my street I ran into an entitled kid.
This person we will call Jamie was a bully he picked on people that were smaller than him but never picked on those who were bigger than him.
Also if he would have asked you something like can I play with one of your toys and you said no he would beg or call you names.
This afternoon he was bullying one of the little kids because he didn't get a toy from him so I invited the bullied kid over my house and we played Fortnite but it did not end there he never left the outside of my house and said "let me in you did the same for him why not me?" I had had enough I was going to go out there and ruin him but my dad had already done it.Me and the kid carried on and were happy the kid had to go and I went to sleep after dinner.