Everyday on Monday we do free writing this is what I wrote about
Hello there this story is about one that I do not normally post on my blog but down my street I ran into an entitled kid.
This person we will call Jamie was a bully he picked on people that were smaller than him but never picked on those who were bigger than him.
Also if he would have asked you something like can I play with one of your toys and you said no he would beg or call you names.
This afternoon he was bullying one of the little kids because he didn't get a toy from him so I invited the bullied kid over my house and we played Fortnite but it did not end there he never left the outside of my house and said "let me in you did the same for him why not me?" I had had enough I was going to go out there and ruin him but my dad had already done it.Me and the kid carried on and were happy the kid had to go and I went to sleep after dinner.